Washington State is on the forefront of major changes in policy regarding the legal retailing of marijuana. These changes in policy allow for the legal retailing, growing and processing of marijuana. While marijuana will soon become accessible to the general public, 21 and over, for recreational use, the owners of the retail facilities have some very strict guidelines they must follow.
Absolute Security Alarms/Surveillance is acutely aware of the requirements for security measures, both related to alarms and camera surveillance. We have researched the new requirements (WAC 314-55-083) and have built an I-502 compliant package that follows all security requirements for electronic security and video surveillance. Remaining compliant with security protocols is a large undertaking and we are prepared and up to date on the new legislation and will continue to do so in this new and changing landscape.
These requirements, per WAC 314-55-083, include the type of equipment that must be installed and where this equipment is to be located on the premise.
• At a minimum, each licensed premises must have a security alarm system on all perimeter entry points and perimeter windows. Motion detectors, pressure switches, duress, panic, and holdup alarms may also be utilized.
• There must be complete video surveillance with minimum camera resolution of 640×470 pixels that must be internet protocol (IP) compatible and recording system for controlled areas within the licensed premises and entire perimeter fencing and gates enclosing an outdoor grow operation, to ensure control of the area. The requirements include image acquisition, video recording, management and monitoring hardware and support systems. All recorded images must clearly and accurately display the time and date.
• All camera recordings must be continuously recorded twenty four hours a day. All surveillance recordings must be kept for a minimum of forty-five days on the licensee’s recording device. All videos are subject to inspection by any liquor control board employee or law enforcement officer, and must be copied and provided to the board or law enforcement officer upon request.
For further information, and to request an on-premise security consultation/walk-through, contact Absolute Security Alarms at 206-257-1951